
When people ask me for advice on blogging, I always respond with yet another form of the same advice: pick a schedule you can live with, and stick to it. Until you do that, none of the other advice I could give you will matter. I don’t care if you suck at writing. I don’t care if nobody reads your blog. I don’t care if you have nothing interesting to say. If you can demonstrate a willingness to write, and a desire to keep continually improving your writing, you will eventually be successful.

出自于 https://blog.codinghorror.com/how-to-achieve-ultimate-blog-success-in-one-easy-step/


当别人请我给他们一些写 blog 的建议,我总是回他:挑个你自认为可以的时间行程安排,什么时候开始写 blog,预计多久写一篇文,开始动工,并坚持下去。在你这么做之前,任何建议对你来说都是不重要的。你文章是否写得很糟糕不重要,是否没有任何人会看你的 blog 不重要,是不是没啥有趣的东西可以纪录也不重要。重要的是,只要你能透过写文来表现出写作的意愿,而且渴望持续地写作,检视、思考与改善自己的写作,你终究会成功的。